August 04, 2009

Family Reunion

I've got a million pictures that I need to post and plenty of cute little stories to share so hopefully this week I'll have some updated posts. For now we are winding down from a fun weekend family reunion, I actually didn't take any pictures because it was one of those times when being present in the moment and enjoying the people, the food, the conversations, and the interactions was more important than capturing the moment on camera.

Although I would love to have a few pictures of the gaggle of kids aged 1-17 all piled up in the kiddie pool playing together. Or taped a few snippets of conversation coming from this same little group gathered inside the playhouse. About 15 kids, all somehow related, but most having never met before all playing together in one huge group all day long with zero fighting. It was very cool, very fun for all of them, and very sweet to watch!

I would love to have been able to copy some of the extremely old photos, birth certificates, baby announcements, and letters bound together in one of the family genealogy books. But I was thrilled just to have had the chance to look through them and understand more of who all these people in my past were and how all those people gathered in my sister's backyard were all connected.

I would have loved to snap photos of great-grandmas holding brand new 3-week old babies or cousins who hadn't seen each other in 30 years embracing in big bear hugs. I would have really loved to make everybody gather along the fence to take one giant family photo to send to those family members who couldn't make the trip out here.

But I am grateful for the day, the beautiful weather, the smiles, the conversations, the memories, and most especially for the joy in my Grandpa's face at being together with so many of his siblings children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren in celebration of the Henderson family.

A big thanks to my sister for all her hard work in putting this together! It was amazing, although every party she throws is always incredible. But I know this one was an extra challenge and we all appreciate the time and effort she put in to making it happen! Thanks Kate!

**It was such a fun, long, busy day yesterday that Cole actually went to his room this afternoon and took a NAP. Probably the most unheard of thing in all the world.

**Alidia spent a good portion of today "on the phone" (my cell phone pressed to her ear) saying "Hello Katie" (her aunt)........"Conner, talk?" (her cousin). I think she missed having someone smaller than her to take care of/boss around.

**Aviana wasn't too worn out today, but maybe that's because she was asleep before we pulled out of my sister's driveway at 7pm and didn't move until 8am this morning.

1 comment:

stephcox05 said...

I miss you and love you all its so hard not getting to see you, give the kids kisses. We love you,Love Uncle Zach and Aunt Steph