September 22, 2009

It's been a while.......

For those of you who have noticed the lack of postings in the last 2 months I apologize. For those of you who haven't noticed, well, you have been as crazy scatterbrained as we have been around here, although in a good way.

A list of excuses seems unnecessary, but at least with such a list I can share a few pictures of what we've been doing lately. So here you go.

Vacations with friends......

Bike rides......

Summer reading.......

NO training wheels......

NO Diapers.......

(Which doesn't require a picture, but is really exciting news. For about 2 weeks I told everyone I met that we were done with diapers, because it really was that exciting that everyone needed to know.)

Back to School......

Playing at the park......

Enjoying the summer sun.......

Visiting the zoo.....

And of course, celebrating birthdays........

More to come, I promise.

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