September 07, 2010

The Yellow House

The apartment we are in is rather small and rather yellow. It is an unbecoming mix of mustard yellow walls and buttery yellow trims. Oddly enough, it makes it quite pleasant and sunshiny in here. We are right across the street from the grocery store, which is good because there is no place for storing any food beyond what is needed for two days.

And there is just enough living room space to sit and read or to gather around the coffee table and color. Not a lot of extra space for running and being crazy kids. Which is why it's so nice to have several parks within a few blocks of us. It's also nice to be close to the library. Because we're there at least every other day.

Head up the stairs and that's where the bathroom and bedroom(s) are at. There's nothing to see there, as there's just enough room for a bed, and lots more yellow walls and trim.

I'm sure we won't be in this place long. But I know it helps sometimes to have an image of where we are and to be able to picture the kids in their space when they are telling you stories of their day.

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