July 17, 2009

Painter #3- My belly is my canvas

I could just post this one picture, because it pretty much sums up Alidia and her painting endeavor.... don't mess with me I have a paintbrush.

But it would be so unlike me to not post a million pictures with thorough explanation, so here are a few more...

With only two sides of the easel and three kiddos, someone had to be left out of the serious canvas painting fun. Of course it was the baby....she didn't actually mind at first because she was given free access to the paint, her favorite thing ever!

But somewhere along the way she realized that she was missing out on something......

Fortunately this was near the time when Aviana decided to take her break on the swings. So we traded out their paintings on the easel and Alidia couldn't have been more pleased.

She even got to mix a little paint....

Now take a look at that finished work of art......

Oh yeah, and her paper as well......

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